Jaws was released on June 20th, 1975 and directed by Steven Spielberg. In the film Martin Brody was the protagonist of the story along with his crew members Matt Hooper and Quint. They discovered a large shark roaming near the ocean shore of their city and wanted to make a change so the water was safer to swim in. This film is still a classic today and I personally love a good shark movie and the cinematography was very clear, realistic, and the frames used were perfect throughout the major action/horror points. After watching this video I didn't think of how the outside events from hunting the shark down really played a role in the film. I was always so focused on the hunting aspect, where this video points out how subplot points of Jaws really ties the story together.
One of my favorite scenes was actually in the short video we were able to watch and that scenes framework (correct me if I am wrong) was a "over the shoulder" frame. The scene was when the shark was swooping down into the water behind the kid playing in the sand. The clip also showed a lot of the key scenes where there are things popping out to scare us like a dead persons head in an abandoned ship, or when Martin is cutting fish guts up and throwing it behind him and the shark appears are classic ways to keep the audience awake and engaged. The movie also focuses on Martins home life with his wife and two sons, which gave us more background of the protagonists. I honestly prefer getting to know the characters as the movie goes on rather than no context of who the people are.
I think the timing of Jaws was perfect because June is when summer truly begins for most kids because they get let out of school in early June and all they think about is going to the beach. I think Jaws is made to remind people to be cautious when you are in the ocean, especially farther out. You never know what could happen. I am also surprised that this film is rated PG because as the narrator of the video said Jaws does have some graphic scenes in the movie where the film could be labeled as a PG-13 film, but I think it is okay as it is because the movie did not focus on being graphic and the messages Jaws gave are what really matters. PG-13 wasn't a thing back then, but I am glad the rating never changed.
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